Parshat Pekudei
I love nothing more than a good ol fashioned slapstick midrash. This week’s parsha, Pekudei, is the final parsha of the book of Shmot/Exodus, and the assembling of the Mishkan that we’ve witnessed bing constructed for weeks. Midrash Tanchuma (composed in Bavel 500-800CE) tells of this predicament…

Parshat Vayakhel
Problematically redeeming the sotah ritual? A drasha on femmes, pleasure, seduction, and shalom bayit (a peaceful home)
Remarks at March 17 JVP Rally

Parshat Yitro 5785
Tripping happily over Yitro

Overwhelm, both human and divine
Sometimes we need processing time. Sometimes we need to delegate and bring other hands in. Sometimes we just need a little more breath and space before coming to a conclusion. If the smoke and mirrors being used in this moment obfuscates the truth, take a beat to discern it. If you are overwhelmed by the need around you, the threats hovering over you, take a beat. In fact–take 25 hours of them. Shabbat is coming.

Parshat Vaera 5785
May the Holy One in her infinite wingspan shelter all undocumented neighbors, all trans kin, all of us living on this aching planet. May we be blessed with steadiness. Bravery. Acceptance. May we not be distracted by those wishing to distract us, may we stay focused on the work of protecting life.
When the Torah is Missing

Parshat Vayechi 5785
May those who come after us, those who we cannot imagine, those who we cannot wait to meet, those who will stay in the world of imagining, the work that we can only pray to have the opportunity to do, may it all remember us from a future with compassion.