a podcast about death and identity
From 2016-2017, Kaddish was a podcast that focused on mourning ritual and customs, featuring first person storytelling and interviews, using Jewish tradition to contextualize and deepen the themes of the show. Kaddish covered topics including mourning chosen family, reproductive loss, illness, ritual crafting, suicide, queer and trans burial, tattoos and conversion status, and state violence. Featured guests shared their personal and professional expertise and story.
All episodes are available on Apple podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Please click episode posts below to access transcripts and details about each episode.
Introducing Kaddish, a podcast about death, dying, and who we are while we do it.
This episode features the health, teaching, and sickness of Megan Andelloux, sex educator and hospice volunteer. This episode explores dementia, hospice, and advance directives.
A conversation with Deidre Scherer, textile artist that often focuses on the faces of the elderly, they dying, and the deceased.
What is it about the taharah ritual that can transition a person from this world to the next? And why does it necessitate gallons of water? Rabbi Linda Holtzman, founder of the Reconstructionist Chevra Kadisha of Philadelphia joins Kaddish to talk about the origins of the local progressive community that washes and prepares the dead for burial. David Zinner, Executive Director of Kavod v'Nichum and the Gamliel Institute shares historical and contemporary context of the ritual.
In this episode of Kaddish, guests Dr. Joy Ladin and Noach Dzmura discuss transgender taharah, the ritual washing of the dead before burial.
Jacqui Morton shares her story of reproductive loss, and the founding of Holding Our Space.
Naomi Leapheart and Christa Craven discuss queer reproductive loss in episode 5. They weave the body and spirit into our imaginings of what reproductive loss is- something that happens to queer bodies, and in queer families.
Naomi Leapheart discusses queer reproductive loss in episode 5.
Graham Garner of the Friends Southwestern Burial Ground and Namrata Kolla of Coeio join episode 6 of Kaddish to share stories of synchronicity and celebrating identity in burial.
In this episode of Kaddish, listeners share their stories of chosen family and grieving the losses of loved ones.
Kaddish's farewell episode, recorded live at Kol Tzedek at the Calvary Center for Culture and Community on July 6 in Philadelphia, PA.